We have all become "The Baby Whisperers" because we have already raised them to teenagehood, or adulthood or at least in school all day. Pro-fessionals! 'Cause we can tell them what we did right or what our neighbor did wrong and that's why their kids are losers and ours aren't. It makes me feel sad for people who don't have kids as cute as mine.
We can doctor any recipe because we've made all the mistakes, though I still have a little trouble getting toffee to turn out perfect every time. We can make a meal out of nothing (it's called casserole) and we've collected all the best recipes over the years. They just need to ask.
We can balance a checkbook and give financial advice to people who make crazy decisions with their money. We know how to spend money:
"No. Don't buy the boat because you'll have to buy a gas guzzling truck to tow it."
"Yes. Buy the shoes, you'll never out grow them."
Marriage problems? We have them all worked out. That's what that prayer thing is for:

If only we knew back then what we know now. That's why it's important for us to share our knowledge with others, give them our valued opinion and let them know what we really think. Let's toot our horns for how wise we have become. Let's toot them for everyone else to hear! We have a lot to say!
Toot-toot! (excuse me)
That's right...here comes advice, whether you asked for it or not!
No matter how it hurts, it helps to hear the truth from someone who is not close to the situation. It helps us to think more rationally! So....here's a toot!
No matter how it hurts, it helps to hear the truth from someone who is not close to the situation. It helps us to think more rationally! So....here's a toot!
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