I was blog surfing to find new blogs to read and I kept seeing "mommy" sites and lots of "baby" sites. It's not that I don't have anything in common with these cute, adorable ladies. I can wipe baby butts with the best of 'em and you know, at our age, we have already thrown out all of our parenting books. We did our best and our kids were brats anyway. What we really needed was Prozac - DON'T DENY IT!
If you are familiar with the song used in my title without "old" inserted, then you are a perfect candidate for friendship. You must have been born in the 60's by parents who were flower children, and if you escaped without having a name like "Rainbow" or "Puberty" then count yourself lucky! What I have lined up:
- Mid-Life Monday
- Tootin' Tuesday
- Whiney Wednesday
- Straight-to-My-Thighs Thursday
- Forgetful Friday
I'm takin' weekends off because a girl needs to shop and have lunch with friends. Please encourage me with your comments because I need your validation.

1 comment:
Can't wait to read more! Thanks for the encouragement on my "Putting Myself Out There" post. Can I ask how you found me? Can I also ask whether you tweet? I'd love to follow you and get reminders about your posts here. :)
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